Our E-Book

With the e-book you will have access to 60+ real exam questions full exaplined. The interactive content will offer you a more real exam experience.

Real exam questions

All questions and answers are based on real PL-300  Microsoft questions. 

Verified answers

Answers were intensively revised by data analyst experts and with certified PL-300 Microsoft documentation.

Full explained

Answers are supported by a detailed step by step explanation, that will guide you through your exam preparation.

Interactive content

The E-Book contains interactive content similar to a real exam experince. Drop down lists, check boxes and more.

About us & Mission

Setscods was created with the intention to help professionals and students with their preparation for different data certifications. In the last years, as technology and data have become an essential knowledge for companies, certifications have gained more importance.

We believe that knowledge should be inclusive, meaning that any background should be able to understand complex data definitions and not only experts in the filed.

Through our product we look to improve the learning experience by providing an interactive digital asset that contains neat and synthesized information that will help you through your preparation process.

Our product was made thinking not only in data familiar professionals, but also for business backgrounds or for professionals looking to swift their professional paths.


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